Member-only story
That Time I Witnessed a Real-Life Russian Invasion
Or maybe not, it was dark and such
I am a freshman in college attending a small college in northeast Alabama.
It’s 8:52 p.m. and I’m headed home to Mobile for the weekend. These few months at college have been harder than I thought they’d be.
I load stuff into my 1973 Plymouth Gold-Duster and head south.
Up till then, I’d never been away from home so long before. I just want to get home.
So, I travel down through Aniston, Talladega, and then Montgomery.
It’s a nicer drive than going through Birmingham. And if you look, you can almost see the Talladega speedway and sometimes, on a clear day, even Mount Cheaha to the left.
Something happened to the Lynyrd Skynyrd 8-track tape in Montgomery so I turned on Larry King Overnight. I spend the next 30 minutes yelling at him to keep me awake.
A little bit south of Greenville, I see a shooting star.
I thought it was a star.
Seemed to have lit up half the southern sky.
Half the sky!
Cool! Who doesn’t love shooting stars?